Data: 20/03/2024
Título: Developing MR in disadvantage area in France: researching from teaching maths to researching the affective domain of learning maths.
Palestrante: Aicha Hadji-Sonni, Education Studies/Universidade de Warwick, Reino Unido.
Data: 20 de março de 2024, 14 h.
Sala: Google Meet.
Resumo: As a maths teacher in disadvantaged French areas, I've observed symptoms of maths anxiety (MA) like avoidance and passivity. My focus is on developing mathematical resilience and coping skills. For my thesis, I surveyed 1.902 learners aged 10-15, exploring MA, resilience, coping skills, and self-efficacy. Employing a design-based approach, I created a whole-class intervention using three tools: the hand model of the brain, relaxation response, and the Growth Zone Model. Pre- and post-intervention surveys, involving 120 participants, measured the impact on MA, alongside 153 learners sharing their best and worst experiences in maths. Results revealed significant implications for improving maths education, emphasizing the importance of the affective domain of mathematics education in teacher training programmes.
Obs: Aicha is a Ph. D. student at University of Warwick under the supervision of Associate professor Sue Johnston-Wilder, University of Warwick.