Data: 19/02/2025
Título: Número de $P_3$-Carathéodory em grafos diâmetro 2.
Palestrante: Herbert C. da Silva, UFG e Pós-doutorando no IME - UFF.
Data: 19 de fevereiro de 2025, 14 h (Brasil).
Sala: Google Meet.
Resumo: The spread of influence in social networks, disease transmission in a community, or failures in interconnected systems are topics studied across various fields. Convexity in graphs provides a powerful framework for modeling this diffusion behaviors, and several parameters, such as the hull number, interval number, and percolation number, can be analyzed to understand their dynamics.
The Carathéodory number is one such parameter, which is known to be NP-Complete and is an interesting convexity parameter. In this talk, we establish bounds on the $P_3$-Carathéodory number of graphs with diameter two.
Obs: This is a joint work with: Braully R. Silva, Erika M. M. Coelho and Simone Dantas.